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Dangerous Hornets Extermination at Your Home


Hornets are under a family of wasp. They can be quite likened to that of the famous “yellow jacket” wasp.

Although, these two did come of the same subfamily, there are still differences between in their habits and appearance. Hornets are bit larger compared to ants, bees, termites and the like and bald faced hornets are actually a type of wasp. Hornets can even raise a maximum of 2.2 inches.

Hornets do sting and it is quite painful. Unlike honeybees that they die once they sting a human being, hornets are still alive after stinging humans. The reactions do differ, some people will have allergic reactions and with some other varieties of hornets, the venom can be fatal if not treated immediately.

Why Hornets Come To Our Home?

Well, the very reason why hornets do come to our home or near our house is that they want to build their own nest. However, other reason such as hunting for food is also applicable.

How to Avoid Hornets from Approaching?

In reality, hornets do not attract on humans. They only do attack as a defense mode, if they feel that their lives can be in threat or their nest where they reside will most likely be harmed. When they are in defense mode, what they do is to have the entire colony ready and this will be not good for us humans.

So, in order to stop hornets from attacking humans when they are near home is to get hold of an insect repellent that will make them go dizzy and be poisoned.

How to Prevent Them Hornets?

Before hornets will attack you, it would be best to do the necessary measures in order to stop this attack.

What you must do is first search for the nest. This will be found right around small bushes, trees and even on buildings. When you have found the nest, use a pressurized insect spray and let it face directly to the opening of the nest. This opening is the place where hornets get in and out. Be sure to wear the proper attire when spraying the nest. It is because you never know you will be attacked by a colony of hornets.

Another way where you can stop the hornets from attacking you is to kill the queen hornet. With the queen being dead, the nest will no longer be built anymore. Do this before spring time, since this is the time where they start building their nest.

Next will be making your yard to be all spot clean. And hire Pest Control Melbourne to inspect and get rid of heavy infestation of such creepy pests. This will give the hornets no reason to stay.

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